Another one-year course at Ditchling Museum of Art and Craft starts in September
I am pleased to announce that I shall be teaching another one-year natural dyeing course at Ditchling Museum of Art and Craft.
The course consists of 12 monthly meetings, held on Sundays, and the first session is on Sunday September 29th 2019. Each session runs from 10am to 4.30pm and it is important that students are able to attend every session, especially the first session, which sets the groundwork for the course.
For further information and details of how to apply, go to the museum website ( and click on Get Involved then click on Current vacancies and opportunities and scroll down until you come to the course information. If you have problems with this, contact Lucy Jenner, the Education Manager. Lucy’s email address is:
There are only 12 places available on the course and last time we had over 80 applications, so I hope those whose applications were unsuccessful last time will consider applying again this time. No previous experience or knowledge of natural dyeing is necessary.