Images from the garden
Our new garden is beginning to take shape and to look and feel more like “ours”. The beds I dug out of the grass earlier in the year are now full of colour and visited regularly by butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects.
The first two photos show general views of the back garden. The following photos show some of the plants in my dye garden: madder, weld, dyer’s broom, lady’s bedstraw. woad in seed with dyer’s broom on the right and dyer’s chamomile with my small purging buckthorn bush in the background.
the garden is looking lovely.
it looks like such a relaxing place. It is quite a bit different than your photos when you first moved.
now there must be a table and chairs tucked away some where to so you can sit with your loved ones and have a glass of wine while admiring all your hard work.
Thanks for sharing your garden, Jenny! It's looking great.
Hello Jenny,
I have recently bought your book "Wild Color", and I think it 's great ! Very beautiful and useful ! I'm a French mum and I like to experiment dyeing with wild plants but it isn't easy to find information about dyeing in French …Thanks for your books and blog !
Hi Jenny,
So nice to see your new garden taking shape. I've just planted some bedstraw and it grew quite a lot this year but how long would you suggest I should let it grow before I try to harvest any roots? And is there a good time of year for harvesting?
I planted my bedstraw plants this year & I don’t intend to harvest any roots for at least 3 years, as I want to give the plants chance to develop a good strong root system. (Unless, of course, my natural impatience takes over!)
Many thanks, Jenny. I rather suspected three years would be about right – I shall have to be disciplined and resist temptation!