Thank You for Your Messages

How wonderful! Today I have received several messages in response to my blog! I’m thrilled that there are actually people out there who have found my blog & have taken the trouble to send comments.

Thank you all so much. This will encourage me to keep on writing my posts.

5 replies
  1. Stitchlily
    Stitchlily says:

    I am a complete beginner to growing and dyeing with plants. I just bought one of your books and am looking forward to reading it and your blog. Keep it up, I need all your insights and information!!

  2. Tricia Cook
    Tricia Cook says:

    Hi Jenny,
    I’ve just come across you too and I am adding you to my reader, it looks like you have a lot of information that you are willing to share. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on your news. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing. Tricia x

  3. Beth Grim
    Beth Grim says:

    Hi Jenny; I heard about your blog on the Ravelry website. Thank you so much for taking the time to post your dyeing adventures. I’ve checked your book “Wild Color” out from the library many times, and appreciate your instruction and encouragement. I look forward to your future posts.

  4. Andie Luijk
    Andie Luijk says:

    I am also a fan, but not a beginner. But this is going to be a frequent read, so lovely to share what you are doing and see all those lovely colours, I have bought Wild Colour three times, but it is still not on my shelf as it is such the perfect book to give to anyone wanting to take up natural dyeing.
    24 shades from one dye pot!! I can still see the page and all those colours before me.
    Thank you for enthusing my work.
    all the best

    Andie Luijk
    Renaissance Dyeing

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