The garden in late spring
We have had some lovely sunny days recently and so I took the opportunity to take some photos of my little garden. I do miss my old garden but I have tried to make the most of the small space we have here. I have concentrated on dye plants and plants to attract bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. I have tried to grow mainly native plants, except for some summer plants, such as fuchsias and dahlias, for pots and the plants that were already here, such as wisteria, and of course roses, which I could not be without for their perfume.
Woad in flower in the tiny dye garden in front of my summer house
Wisteria in flower
General garden view with angelica in the foreground
A detail of the angelica plant which the bees love
The roses are just beginning to come into bloom
Centaurea montana which the bees love
The grass is full of daisies which are popular with insects and with my granddaughter for making daisy-chain necklaces
The native red campion (Silene dioica) which is often full of bees
This photo shows on the left the native Geranium pratense and on the right Pilosella aurantiaca or Orange Hawkweed, also called Fox and Cubs