“Wild Colour” Facebook Page
Mary Walker of Weaving in Beauty (www.weavinginbeauty.com) has very kindly arranged a Facebook page for “Wild Colour”. Her idea is that, if enough people express an interest through the Facebook page in a reprinting of the book, this may help to persuade the publishers that there is sufficient interest to make a reprint viable. The link to the page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wild-Colour-The-Complete-Guide-to-Making-and-Using-Natural-Dyes/117794646494
I am extremely grateful to Mary for not only coming up with this idea, but also for organising the page. I could never have done it for myself, as I’ve had no experience of Facebook whatsoever. I really had no idea when I started this blog that I would be learning about so many new skill areas! I have been quite overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of people in supporting me in so many ways and I really do appreciate it.
So far, there are six fans of the Facebook page! Thanks to everyone for your support.
off to facebook..leaving comment
have a nice day!
You share a lot of your knowledge Jenny, people are just trying to give back. I’d like to help but as I don’t have facebook Im left out of this one!
Good luck though!
Oh I so hope this book comes back into print as I would love to own it; sadly I am not in Facebook but if there is anywhere else I can sign on the dotted line please let me know 🙂
Keep up your amazing work