Sincere thanks again

Once again, I send my most sincere thanks for all the kind messages I’ve received, following the announcement that “Wild Colour” will be revised and reprinted later this year.

I really appreciate all the encouragement and support I’ve been given.

3 replies
  1. Deborah Lane
    Deborah Lane says:

    I am so looking forward to getting hold of your book. Apart from being a re-enactor I am currently at the University of Canberra studying to be a textile conservator. I feel your book and your work is a valuable contribution to my studies, future employment, and my re-enactment pursuits.

    Thanks for all you good work and sharing it with us.

  2. Andie Luijk
    Andie Luijk says:

    whoopee. Something exciting and comprehensive to recommend to my students. I am delighted, that page with the 24 different shades from one dyepot is still printed indelibly on my soul.

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