My Garden in Spring
This garden is lovely in Spring and we shall be so sad to leave it. Here are some photos I’ve taken recently.
This garden is lovely in Spring and we shall be so sad to leave it. Here are some photos I’ve taken recently.
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Hi Jenny,
It looks fabulous – must have taken a long time to get it looking like that, I can imagine how different it’s all going to be for you! I’m sure you’ll have taken into consideration the amount of work you want to take on and how you want to new place to look when you move!
I finally feel as though I have landed – we are still unpacking boxes and I think will be for 12 months or so, it is surprising me how few of them I feel in a rush to unpack!!!
Good luck with it all, I’ll be thinking of you and sympathising, it’s been very hard moving, but I’m glad we’ve done it and I love my new home! You’ve the added incentive of family too!
Best wishes,
Your garden is beautiful! I wish I could have anything close to that, but I live in an apartment (and in the desert, to boot). I feel for your loss and hope that being closer to your family will make up for it. Will you have a little patch to tend at the new place?
I think my new garden should just about be big enough for a small dye garden. Apart from that, I shall wait & see what comes up in the new garden before deciding what else to plant. In a way it will fun to start again. And being closer to my granddaughter will be lovely!
I can see how sad you’ll be to leave such a wonderful garden, but to start again, albeit small, will be a lovely challenge. Oh, and to be near your granddaughter will be wonderful too.
Best wishes in your move.
What a rich garden! But moments come in everyone’s life when good things must be let go for other, better things. I believe that living closer to your granddaughter is such a better thing. Good luck in your moving and a happy new start!
Making a new garden will be a challenge, no two gardens are the same and you have to work with the soil and local climate. I’m sure you’ll be able to grow some of the plants you love. Will you take some cuttings with you? Best wishes for the move, I hope it goes well.
My dye garden is the native landscape of the high desert in northwest Nevada – hope that doesn’t sound to hokey. We are near to two of our grandchildren, and I cannot imagine not being near enough to see their sports, school programs and babysit. Your garden is gorgeous but aren’t grandchildren even more so? I wasn’t going to comment but you struck a chord.